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The Birkman Method

We believe strongly in this dynamic tool and have seen firsthand how it has made growth and renewal possible for our clients. The Birkman Method is one of the most powerful systems ever developed for the accurate understanding of human potential. It incorporates objective data, state of the art research, and years of experience and organizational understanding. It is:

• a multi-dimensional method that assesses where an individual stands in terms of occupation, motivation, and behavior
• business-focused
• developed from scientific methodology
• able to predict and enhance both interpersonal and
career success.

To quote Dr. Roger Birkman:
“The change behavior is demanded by new market realities, global opportunities, shifts in social trends, developing technologies and more. Yet organizational change which is imposed rarely meets its intended objectives. The Birkman Method enables responsive change to grow from within, fuelled by individual motivation and desire. It creates an integral process that can continue for an organizational lifetime – regardless of external environments.”

For more detailed information about The Birkman Method contact us at betty@bjharvey.com.